328 Forestry-Fisheries Interactions |
3: stream-fish |
Reese Creek is located in the Nisqually Watershed in Lewis County, Washington USGS watershed 17110015. It is located in Township 15, Range 6, Section 33 (Figures 1-4).
Figure 1. Nisqually watershed Figure
2. Nisqually watershed within
Source: http://cfpub.epa.gov/surf/huc.cfm?huc_code=17110015
Figure 3. Nisqually watershed (17110015) Figure 4. Lewis county
in relationship to Lewis county
Source: http://cfpub.epa.gov/surf/county.cfm?fips_code=53041
Watershed Analysis Unit Location
Reese Creek is located in Department of Natural Resources Watershed
Analysis Unit (WAU) 118. The WAU name is
Reese Creek. WRIAN name is Nisqually,
and Basin is designated as Glacier (Table 1).
Source : http://www3.wadnr.gov/dnrapp5/website/fpars/
Stream typing
Stream typing of
Reese Creek by the DNR designates the main stem of Reese as a class three
stream while its tributaries are class four and five in teh
old system. The new system has teh mainstem as F and some of the tributaties
as well. The other tributaries are labeled N, mainly because of stream
gradient. You could pull that info from the contour map. On fish typing go to
http://fortress.wa.gov/dnr/app1/fpars/viewer.htm This site provides all teh
info you want. It is a web-based GIS system where you can select the
appropriate info (zoom/pan/Info., etc). You can make teh
WAU layer active and then click on teh WAU of
interest and get the Query Table shown below for Reese Creek
You can get the
water type breaks by making that layer active and you see where the breaks are
located. You may have to zoom in
Fish Barriers
Figure 4. Topographic map of Reese Creek. Stream types indicated, along with potential fish passage blockages.
Above is the old typing of the streams on the topographic
map provided. I have used the water typing system
outlined in WAC222-16 p. 18-23. Under
these State of
Source: http://www.dnr.wa.gov/forestpractices/rules/
Figure 5.
Source: http://courses.washington.edu/fm328/lectures/5-week/week_5/Table_F_6_Fish.jpg
In addition, the other stream typing system used by DNR can be converted to below:
Figure 6.
Source: WAC222-16 Definitions
Fish Species
Type three fish use and reach, and type four and five presumed fish absence is determined using first the primary definition of stream structure and flow throughout the year, then confirmed using methods within the Forest Practices Board Manual Section 13: Guidelines for Determining Fish Use for the Purpose of Typing Waters. Fish surveys and field verification are used to determine water type breaks between types three and four waters. Non-fish habitat can be assumed from last survey if gradient increases remain above 20% (Figure 5).
Source: http://www.dnr.wa.gov/forestpractices/board/manual/
To get an estimate of fish habitat reach from the topographic map we can estimate the gradient from the contours. The habitat breaks in Reese Creek occur from class three to class four as the gradient increases from <20% to greater than 20%. This can be used as an estimate of fish reach.
Two major potential fish barriers that are not located within Reese Creek WAU are the LaGrand and Alder dams. These dams do not have fish ladders. But, as history has it, these dams do not actually serve as fish barriers because “A waterfall prevented anadromous (migrating) steelhead and salmon from traveling upstream of the LaGrande area before the Nisqually River Project dams were built.”
Source: http://www.ci.tacoma.wa.us/power/parksandpower/nisqually/natural_resources/fisheries_programs.htm
Figure 7.
Source: http://www.ci.tacoma.wa.us/power/parksandpower/nisqually/map.htm
there are no anadromous fish in Reese Creek.
there are no anadromous fish, there is potential for
non-anadromous fishes to inhabit Reese Creek. These species include kokanee.
“Each year, Tacoma Power plants up to 500,000 kokanee in
Source: http://www.ci.tacoma.wa.us/power/parksandpower/nisqually/natural_resources/fisheries_programs.htm
fish that potentially use Reese Creek as spawning or rearing habitat include
other stream type fish that do not require anadromy
in their life cycle like sculpin and dase.
Culvert Status
The Forest Practices regulations (WAC 222-24 – Road Construction and Maintenance) require that all permanent culverts, regardless of fish passage status, must be able to pass a 100 year flood event if a harvest permit is to be issued to a private land owner. Therefore, depending on the status of the culvert at HAP-18-78, it could need to be replaced to meet requirements of fish passage (kokanee) and 100 year flood events as outlines below.
Source: http://www.dnr.wa.gov/forestpractices/rules/
*(3) Culvert installation for
Type Np and Ns Waters. In addition to
applicable general
provisions above, installation,
maintenance and removal of permanent culverts in or across
Type Np and Ns Waters are subject to the following provisions:
(a) All permanent
culverts must be designed to pass the 100-year flood event with
consideration for the passage of
debris likely to be encountered.
(b) The culvert and its
associated embankments and fills must have sufficient erosion
protection to withstand the
100-year flood event. Erosion protection may include
armored overflows or the use
of clean coarse fill material.
I If
the department determines that because of unstable slopes the culvert size
shown in
the board manual, section
3, “Determining Culvert Size, Method A” would be
inadequate to protect public
resources, it may require a larger culvert designed using
generally accepted engineering
principles that meet the standards in (a) and (b) of this
(d) No permanent
culverts shall be installed that are smaller than:
(i) 24 inches for Type Np Waters.
(ii) 18
inches for Type Ns Waters in western Washington.
(iii) 15
inches for Type Ns Waters in eastern Washington.
(e) The alignment and
slope of the culvert shall parallel the natural flow of the stream
whenever possible.
(f) Culverts must be
designed and installed so they will not cause scouring of the stream
bed and erosion of the
banks in the vicinity of the project.
(g) When the department
determines that installing a culvert in a flowing stream will
result in excessive siltation
and turbidity, and siltation and turbidity would be reduced
if stream flow were diverted,
the department shall require the stream flow be diverted
using a bypass flume or
culvert, or by pumping the stream flow around the work area.
This may include
culvert installations that are within 0.25 miles of a Type S or F
Water or within two
miles of a hatchery intake in consultation with the department of
fish and wildlife.
(h) Fill associated
with culvert installation must have sufficient erosion protection to
withstand the 100-year flood.
Stream beds shall be cleared for a distance of 50 feet upstream from the
culvert inlet
of such slash or debris
that reasonably may be expected to plug the culvert.
(j) The entrance of all
culverts shall have adequate catch basins and headwalls to
minimize the possibility of
erosion or fill failure.
Therefore, because there is potential for fish movement across the
culvert located near survey point HAP-81-78, we need to make sure this
structure is adequate to permit fish passage, even if the river downstream river
is impassible to anadromous fishes. Also, we need to calculate the 100 year flood
event at this culvert:
Q100 Calculations for Reese Creek drainage above HAP-81-78
Source: http://www.dnr.wa.gov/forestpractices/watershedanalysis/manual/hydrology.pdf
Region II 100 year flood event
Q100(II) = 0.194 * (2.7mi2) (0.86) * 77.67 in (1.60) * 1
Q100(II) = 0.194 * 2.35* 1057.80
Q100(II) = 482.25 cfs
Region II 5 year flood event
Q5(II) = 0.140 * (2.7mi2)(0.86) * 77.67 in(1.53) * 1
Q5(II) = 0.140
* 2.35 * 779.99
Q5(II) = 256.62 cfs
Average Yearly precipitation in LaGrande, 21 miles west of Reese Creek is 38.52 inches
Average Yearly precipitation at Rainier Paradise, 22 miles east is 116.82 inches
Source: http://www.wrcc.dri.edu/cgi-bin/cliMAIN.pl?walagr
Source: http://www.wrcc.dri.edu/cgi-bin/cliMAIN.pl?warain
Since Reese Creek drainage is half way between these two precipitation stations, we can estimate the WAU precipitation at about 77.67 in/yr.
The area of the watershed was determined using an acreage dot grid with a known map scale.
Fish Barrier Identification
A fish
passage barrier is any man made sturcture that
obstructs the movement of fish above or below the area in question[1]. This applies to fish of any species. Types of fish that you may encounter in a
stream in
barriers block fish passages in three major ways. First, the structure could create a physical
barrier between the upper and lower portions of the stream or river, like a dam
or a hanging culvert. Secondly, a
barrier could simply be a structure that creates velocities which fish cannot
swim upstream against due to body size and/or stamina, like a spillway or
culvert. Lastly, a fish barrier could be
an area where a fish cannot pass due to the unnatural structure of the stream
bed substrate.
surveying for fish passage barriers start looking in fish bearing streams. Fish bearing streams are usually perennial
steams that are three feet or wider in Western Washington, and two feet or
wider in
of man made structures that are commonly or potential fish passage barriers
include dams, fords, weirs, spillways, and culverts that divert water under
roads or trails. Culverts are probably
the most common fish barrier because they are so numerous and necessary for
road construction. Figure 8 demonstrates
several ways a culvert can be a barrier[5]. When approaching a culvert, bridge, or other
structure, think about the three ways that fish passage can be impeded. First, is there are physical barrier that
very small or very large fish could not pass through? What if the water was flowing higher or
lower, more or less rapidly? Secondly,
look to see if the velocity of the water would allow a baby fish less than one
inch long to swim up stream. Lastly,
look to see if the substrate or the structure, in combination with the velocity
would allow small and large fishes of various species to pass through. If you answer no to any of these questions
the structure is a fish passage barrier.
Figure 8.
Source: http://www.dnr.wa.gov/sflo/fffpp/fffppbrochure12-29-04.pdf
[1] http://www.dnr.wa.gov/forestpractices/board/manual/section3.pdf
[2] Lamb, A., and P. Edgell. 1986. Coastal Fishes of the
[4] Groot, C. and L.
Margolis (editors). 1991. Pacific Salmon Life Histories.